How to Sponge Your Hair in the Easiest Way

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Sponging is a popular way of styling curly or wavy hair. It’s quick, easy and doesn’t require any heat! They work by creating curl definitions and adding volume to strands. This article will show you the best techniques for getting beautiful curls with a sponge.

You’ll be left with bouncy waves that are perfect for days when you don’t have time to blow dry your locks. And it won’t take long at all! Check out these helpful tips on how to get gorgeous curls in no time at all.

How to Sponge Your Hair in the Easiest Way

What Is A Hair Sponge?

Hair sponges are fabric-covered rubber that is designed to be used on wet hair. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but they’re all designed with one thing in mind – to shape your curls or waves into the look you want.

How To Use Hair Sponge

The most common technique for using hair sponges is by applying them to dry hair before adding water, as this will allow the brush to soak up more product than it can if applied when the hair is still damp.

You then apply styling products like mousse, gel, hairspray, etc., and let it sit overnight. In the morning you’ll find a long-lasting curl definition without any frizz whatsoever! 

How cool? The second technique is to start with wet hair, apply styling products and scrunch the product in. 

Apply your curl sponge while it’s still slightly damp for a more natural look or wait until it dries completely before adding any additional product if you’re going for a different style.

How To Get Defined Curly Hair With a Sponge

The best way to get curly hair that holds all day long is to use an appropriate-sized curling sponge on short hair.

The idea of these sponges is that they provide you with tools to help create defined curls without looking stiff or unnatural. It is a good option for people wanting fuller bouncy waves but are not sure how to achieve this through brushing their locks only.

How To Use Curly Sponge On Short Hair

The sponge brush will give you a natural bounce that’s perfect for short hair.[1]

In order to use the curly sponge on your head, make sure it’s wet and apply the product in small sections of your hair before wrapping each section around the curling sponge while holding onto the ends.

Use one hand to help with this process while using the other hand to wrap up some strands at a time until they are all neatly wrapped.

Keep going until you have as many layers as desired then let go of them so they can set into their own curl shape overnight.

I recommend doing this after washing or conditioning because it makes curls more defined and bouncy! Once dry, simply un-do your curls by pulling away from the root first

For short curly hair, the best side of the sponge brush to use is its rounded tip. Brush your curls in a circular motion and then spritz them with some hairspray if needed. 

The round part will help create tighter waves that lead up into larger curls.

How To Sponge Your Hair With A Towel

One tip that many people don’t know is to use a towel instead of a sponge. This will still give you bouncy, curly hair but it’s easier on your hands and takes much less time!

Simply wrap the damp piece of fabric around your head as if in a turban then scrunch up some curls with one hand while using the other hand to wrap up some strands at a time until they are all neatly wrapped. 

Keep going until you have as many layers as desired then let go of them so they can set into their own curl shape overnight. When dry just unravel from root first for frizz-free easy curls!

Towel instructions: 

  • Take an oversized bath or beach towel and fold it lengthwise so it’s about two to three feet long.
  • Wet thoroughly, and wrap the slightly wet towel around your head as if in a turban and scrunch up some curls with one hand while using the other hand to wrap up some strands at a time until they are all neatly wrapped.
  • Keep going until you have as many layers as desired then let go of them so they can set into their own curl shape overnight or for 30 minutes.
  • When dry just unravel from root first for frizz-free easy curls.

Does Curl Sponge Damage Hair?

Hair sponges do have a reputation for being damaging, but this isn’t true if you aren’t overusing them or rubbing them too hard against your scalp while drying or detangling wet hair with one hand while wrapping curls at a time with another hand.


Now you know how to use a hair sponge and have the tools necessary for perfecting your hairstyle. We hope this article has helped demystify one of those beauty products that can sometimes seem intimidating or confusing. Have any questions about using these sponges? Ask in the comments below!

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